Watch Party and Presentation "Impact of Climate Change and Contamination in Our Oceans" by Captain Dan Kipnis is organized by UNIDOS POR EL PLANETA (UNITED FOR THE PLANET) an innovative awareness raising initiative aimed at organizing activities in Central America and other countries, about the importance of climate change and the environmentally sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes. UNITED FOR THE PLANET was founded a few months ago by Samuel Quirós, a Salvadoran businessman, musician and Co-Founder of Make Your Peace Foundation ( and Miguel Araujo, a Salvadoran Climate Reality Leader and Director of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America & Mexico (BCRC-CAM, and and it has rapidly grown with the participation of leading Salvadoran organizations on environmental, gender and social issues ljke. SalvaNATURA, FUNDEMAS, VOCES VITALES, the Salvadoran Chapter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the Salvadoran Secretariat for Culture, followed by a leading group of Salvadoran and Central American companies.
UNITED FOR THE PLANET organized on November 11, 2015 the 1st POP/Jazz Symphonic Concert in El Salvador and it has launched the ONE MILLION VOICES CAMPAIGN to support the Road to Paris Campaign, but complementing it with the CITIZEN COMMITTMENT FOR THE PLANET, which included 4 simple daily actions which could help recover the health of our planet. The last component of UNITED FOR THE PLANET is a set of presentations in El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama on Climate Change and environmentally sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes, by Climate Reality Leaders.
Avenida Revolucion
Colonia San Benito
San Salvador 0000
El Salvador
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