Hi Tech Support, The 'country' data-field has disappeared from event location options after registering my Watch Party (WP) at the NationBuilder database. Therefore the WP I'm organizing is currently located in OH, USA rather than in Portugal (Europe). Just the wrong continent... and while trying to 'search' for it, its record does not come out! Can you please fix this ASAP...? The Google Maps right location for my WP in Portugal is: https://www.google.com/maps/place/R.+Galileu+Sa%C3%BAde+Correia+13,+2800-672+Almada,+Portugal/@38.6733285,-9.1693239,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0xd1934e099cb4091:0x4a3fb192fac29a5d Thank you.
Go ahead and try again. We've made a fix!
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