On November 13, the planet is coming together for 24 Hours of Reality and Live Earth: The World Is Watching, a global day of climate action and music hosted by former US Vice President and Climate Reality Chairman and Founder Al Gore. The program will invite the millions watching to speak up for a strong climate agreement in Paris through an online petition and showcase the progress happening in clean energy and other solutions all around the world.
This 24-hour-long event will be divided into eight three-hour segments. Each segment will highlight success stories, climate impacts, and activists and communities working together in one of eight regions critical to an agreement in Paris. The broadcast will start and end with segments broadcast live from Paris, the site of the upcoming UN climate talks.
Sustainable Lafayette will be hosting a dinner get together over 2 prime-time broadcast hours. Come to our watch party and learn why the UN climate talks in Paris promise to be one of the most important international negotiations of our lifetimes.
Sustainable Lafayette board members Steve Richard and Wei-Tai Kwok have both just returned from being personally briefed by Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project on the latest science and solutions to the climate crisis, as well as the significance of the UN Paris climate talks. Come get the latest update on why there is reason to be hopeful, and what you can do to make a difference.
Come join us for buffet dinner, or just for drinks. If you would like the buffet, we need an early headcount to plan the food, so please RSVP with the special Early Bird $15/person rate by Nov 11. After that it will be $20/person. (Cash bar extra).
T's Firehouse Indian Cuisine and Sports Bar
3709 Mount Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
Tel: (925) 298-5981
Hope to see you there.
Buy Tickets via EVENTBRITE
3709 Mount Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
United States
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