Host or attend an event and post it so that others can join you on this global screening party! If you need help, leave us a note on the message board.

Community Pages for Climate Leaders

This page was created to help the Climate Reality Leaders organize events across the world for the 24 hours of Reality live webcast.

Please get in touch with any questions or suggestions here



Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • bob cat
    commented 2013-11-24 14:56:48 +0000
    TY :)
  • Bob maahe Turyatunga
    commented 2013-10-23 15:38:43 +0100
    Thanks all you who have been involved in this 24hoursfor reality
  • Banambar Nayak
    commented 2013-10-22 13:31:25 +0100
    Lets stop our journey to modernization which costs our life….
  • Tandu Wibowo
    commented 2013-10-18 21:36:47 +0100
    save the planet …..