Winter is getting colder & colder as the years go. Climate Change has caused massive disturbance in the natural ecosystem thus affecting the people who live in coastal countries like Bangladesh. Apart from the direct effects of climate change like cyclones & tornadoes, there are many salient yet deadly impacts like salinity intrusion, seasonal floods & droughts, extreme weather conditions etc. To our utter dismay, Bangladesh is facing all of them. Along with spreading awareness & promoting green energy we have to act together in this winter to alleviate the sufferings of the poor.
It is the duty of the privileged to stand beside the poor in these extreme winters so that the poor can survive this hostile consequence of climate change. The Climate Reality Project Bangladesh has till now worked on community awareness raising about climate change, promoted renewable energy & demanded actions on putting a cost of carbon emission. However, the adversarial waves didn’t wait for our long term plan for a green planet. Winter is at our doorstep again & surely it’ll be an extreme one, worse than the previous. Thus, we urge to everyone of the society to act together so that we can mitigate the sufferings of the poor.
The Climate Reality Project Bangladesh is envisioned to fight the adversities of Climate Change. This winter, we are targeting to launch this program for collection of relief & cloth, which are in fact disaster preparedness programs for climate change, and distributing those among the poor in Bangladesh will be an act of humanity.
We will collect the relief in form of donations & clothing. We can collect from anywhere in Dhaka City. We'll distribute the relief in the north-Bengal area of Bangladesh where the winter is most extreme.
For sending donations please bKash to these numbers:
01833599089 , 01740046921
Or you can contact any of the concerned persons:
Salman Sakib (01675672852) ,
Tanvir Pasha (01611229125) ,
Muradur Rashedin (01841068798).
For Sending relief or finding volunteer send an email to - [email protected]
For corporate or non-profit partnership:
Send email - [email protected] or Call - 01833599089.
We urge the active youth citizens of the society for volunteering in this noble project.
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